
-1 rows


User Terms Conditions records identify the users who accept the terms and conditions, as well as the version of it.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
user_terms_conditions_id int8 19 null

Automatically generated key used to identify the uniqueness of a terms and conditions acceptance record.

user_id int8 19 null
fam_user.user_id reffam_user_terms_conditions_user R

Unique ID to reference and identify the user within FAM system.

version varchar 30 null

Number to identity the version of the terms and conditions the user accepted.

create_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created the record.

create_date timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_DATE

The date and time the record was created.

update_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created or last updated the record.

update_date timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_DATE

The date and time the record was created or last updated.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
fam_user_terms_conditions_pk Primary key Asc user_terms_conditions_id
fam_tc_user_version_uk Must be unique Asc/Asc user_id + version
ix_app_fam_fam_user_terms_conditions_user_id Performance Asc user_id
