
-1 rows


Audit log tracking privilege changes, including details of the change, performer, and target user.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
privilege_change_audit_id int8 19 null

Identity column acting as surrogate primary key

application_id int8 19 null
fam_application.application_id fk_application R

Foreign key to fam_application. Specifies the application for which the privilege change was made.

change_date timestamptz 35,6 null

Date & time of the privilege change. For initial data migration, this is NOT the same as the create time of this audit record.

change_performer_user_details jsonb 2147483647 null

JSON-formatted document describing the user that performed the change.

change_performer_user_id int8 19 null
fam_user.user_id fk_change_performer_user R

Specifies the user that initiated the privilege change. Foreign key to fam_user. Nullable when access was granted by a system change.

change_target_user_id int8 19 null
fam_user.user_id fk_change_target_user R

Specifies the user that the privilege change was performed on. Foreign key to fam_user.

create_date timestamptz 35,6 null

The date and time the record was created. Not necessarily the same time as when the privilege change occurred.

create_user varchar 100 null

The user or system account that created the record. Not necessarily the same as the user that performed the privilege change.

privilege_change_type_code varchar 10 null
fam_privilege_change_type.privilege_change_type_code fk_privilege_change_type R

Foreign key to fam_privilege_change_type code table. Identifies the type of privilege change (Grant, Revoke, or Update access).

privilege_details jsonb 2147483647 null

JSON-formatted document describing the privilege(s) being changed. E.g. For end user permissions, this is details about the fam_role(s).


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
fam_privilege_change_audit_pkey Primary key Asc privilege_change_audit_id
idx_fam_privilege_change_audit_application_id Performance Asc application_id
idx_fam_privilege_change_audit_change_target_user_id Performance Asc change_target_user_id
