
-1 rows


FAM needs to know the OIDC client ID in order to match to an application. The relationship between OIDC client and application is many-to-one because sometimes there is more than one OIDC client for an application and it is convenient to be able to configure the authorization once (at the application level) and re-use it (at the OIDC level).


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
application_client_id int8 19 null

Automatically generated key used to identify the uniqueness of an OIDC as it corresponds to an identified client

cognito_client_id varchar 32 null
application_id int8 19 null
fam_application.application_id reffam_application31 R

Automatically generated key used to identify the uniqueness of an Application registered under FAM

create_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created the record.

create_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The date and time the record was created.

update_user varchar 100 null

The user or proxy account that created or last updated the record.

update_date timestamptz 35,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The date and time the record was created.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
fam_app_cli_pk Primary key Asc application_client_id
cognito_app_uk Must be unique Asc/Asc cognito_client_id + application_id
