
-1 rows


An officer is a subtype of a person who can be identified through their IDIR.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
officer_guid uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v4()
complaint_referral.officer_guid FK_cmplreferral__officer_guid R
officer_team_xref.officer_guid officer_team_xref_officer_fk R

System generated unique key for an officer. This key should never be exposed to users via any system utilizing the tables.

user_id varchar 32 null

The IDIR ID issued to the user by the Government of British Columbia as part of their employment.

create_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that created the officer.

create_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the officer was created. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

update_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that updated the officer.

update_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the officer was updated. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

person_guid uuid 2147483647 null
person.person_guid FK_officer_person R

System generated unique key for an person.

office_guid uuid 2147483647 null
office.office_guid FK_officer_office R

System generated unique key for an office. The primary office an officer is assigned to.

auth_user_guid uuid 2147483647 null

The SiteMinder guid returned to the application from KeyCloak. Used to uniquely identify a user over the course of their lifecycle.

coms_enrolled_ind bool 1 false
deactivate_ind bool 1 false

A boolean indicator representing if an officer has been deactivated


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PK_officer Primary key Asc officer_guid
UQ_officer Must be unique Asc person_guid
