
-1 rows


Provides the ability to link one COMPLAINT to another COMPLAINT. The initial use case for this table is to identify duplicate complaints, however additional linkages maybe possible in the future.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
linked_complaint_xref_guid uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v4()

A human readable code used to identify a complaint linkage.

complaint_identifier varchar 20 null
complaint.complaint_identifier FK_lnkcmplxref_complaint R

One half of a linked complaint pair. If the type requires a context of hierarchy, the complaint that is higher in the hierarchy. For example, in the case of duplicate complaints, this would be the complaint that would remain open and where the majority of the information should be contained.

linked_complaint_identifier varchar 20 null
complaint.complaint_identifier FK_lnkcmplxref_linked_complaint R

One half of a linked complaint pair. If the type requires a context of hierarchy, the complaint that is lower in the hierarchy. For example, in the case of duplicate complaints, this would be the complaint that would be closed as a duplicate of the parent.

active_ind bool 1 null

Flag indicating if the linkage is active.

create_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that created the complaint linkage.

create_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the complaint linkage was created. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

update_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that updated the complaint linkage.

update_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the complaint linkage was updated. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PK_lnkcmplxref Primary key Asc linked_complaint_xref_guid
linked_complaint_xref_linked_complaint_identifier_active_in_idx Must be unique Asc/Asc linked_complaint_identifier + active_ind

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
NE_lnkcmplxref_no_self_link (((complaint_identifier)::text <> (linked_complaint_identifier)::text))
