
-1 rows


A geographical organization unit is a named geographical boundary that represents a physical location. The level of granularity can vary with Regions being the highest level - for example Okanagan, and Areas being the lowest level - for example Big White


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
geo_organization_unit_code varchar 10 null
complaint.geo_organization_unit_code FK_complaint_geoorgutnd R
geo_org_unit_structure.child_geo_org_unit_code FK_gorgustrct_child_geoorgutcd R
geo_org_unit_structure.parent_geo_org_unit_code FK_gorgustrct_parent_geoorgutcd R
office.geo_organization_unit_code FK_office_geoorgutnd R

A human readable code used to identify a geographical organization unit.

short_description varchar 50 null

The short description of the geographical organization unit code.

long_description varchar 250 null

The long description of the geographical organization unit code.

effective_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the Geographical Organizational Unit becomes effective as a boundaried physical location within the Ministry organizational structure.

expiry_date timestamp 29,6 null

The date the Geographical Organizational Unit is no longer recognized as a valid physical location within the Ministry organizational structure.

create_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that created the geographical organization unit code.

create_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the geographical organization unit code was created. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

update_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that updated the geographical organization unit code.

update_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the geographical organization unit code was updated. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

geo_org_unit_type_code varchar 10 null
geo_org_unit_type_code.geo_org_unit_type_code FK_geoorgutnd_gorgtypecd R

A human readable code used to identify a geographical organization unit type.

administrative_office_ind bool 1 false

Indicates if the unit is a COSHQ Office.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PK_geoorgutnd Primary key Asc geo_organization_unit_code
