
-1 rows


History table for configuration table


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
h_configuration_guid uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v4()

System generated unique key for configuration history. This key should never be exposed to users via any system utilizing the tables.

target_row_id varchar 10 null

The unique key for the configuration that has been created or modified.

operation_type bpchar 1 null

The operation performed: I = Insert, U = Update, D = Delete

operation_user_id varchar 32 CURRENT_USER

The id of the user that created or modified the data in the configuration table. Defaults to the logged in user if not passed in by the application.

operation_executed_at timestamp 29,6 now()

The timestamp when the data in the configuration table was created or modified. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

data_after_executed_operation jsonb 2147483647 null

A JSON representation of the row in the table after the operation was completed successfully. This implies that the latest row in the audit table will always match with the current row in the live table.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PK_h_configuration Primary key Asc h_configuration_guid
