Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||
complaint_update_guid | uuid | 2147483647 | uuid_generate_v4() |
System generated unique key for a complaint update. This key should never be exposed to users via any system utilizing the tables. |
complaint_identifier | varchar | 20 | null |
Natural key for a complaint generated by webEOC. Format is YY-250744772125074477212507447721 where the number portion of the sequence resets to 0 on the new year. |
update_seq_number | int4 | 10 | null |
An integer that is used to reflect the order that complaint updates were entered into the call center system. |
upd_detail_text | text | 2147483647 | √ | null |
Verbatim details of the complaint as recorded by the call centre or through the web form. |
upd_location_summary_text | varchar | 120 | √ | null |
A brief summary of the location of the complaint. |
upd_location_detailed_text | varchar | 4000 | √ | null |
A more detailed description of the location of the complaint. |
upd_location_geometry_point | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null |
The closest approximation to where the incident occurred. Stored as a geometric point using the EPSG:3005 Projected Coordinate System (BC Albers) |
create_user_id | varchar | 32 | null |
The id of the user that created the complaint update record. |
create_utc_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | null |
The timestamp when the complaint update record was created. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset. |
update_user_id | varchar | 32 | null |
The id of the user that updated the complaint update record. |
update_utc_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The timestamp when the complaint_update record was updated. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset. |
webeoc_identifier | varchar | 20 | √ | null |
Unique Identifier from the webEOC source system to identify a complaint update. This is required as the natural key is not available in all webEOC APIs |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
complaint_update_pk | Primary key | Asc | complaint_update_guid |