
-1 rows


Callers will sometimes call in with a COMPLAINT_UPDATE. This table is used to track items that are considered to be amendments to the complaint information such as additional details, or location information.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
complaint_update_guid uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v4()
action_taken.complaint_update_guid Implied Constraint R

System generated unique key for a complaint update. This key should never be exposed to users via any system utilizing the tables.

complaint_identifier varchar 20 null
complaint.complaint_identifier complaint_update_fk R

Natural key for a complaint generated by webEOC. Format is YY-250744772125074477212507447721 where the number portion of the sequence resets to 0 on the new year.

update_seq_number int4 10 null

An integer that is used to reflect the order that complaint updates were entered into the call center system.

upd_detail_text text 2147483647 null

Verbatim details of the complaint as recorded by the call centre or through the web form.

upd_location_summary_text varchar 120 null

A brief summary of the location of the complaint.

upd_location_detailed_text varchar 4000 null

A more detailed description of the location of the complaint.

upd_location_geometry_point geometry 2147483647 null

The closest approximation to where the incident occurred. Stored as a geometric point using the EPSG:3005 Projected Coordinate System (BC Albers)

create_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that created the complaint update record.

create_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the complaint update record was created. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

update_user_id varchar 32 null

The id of the user that updated the complaint update record.

update_utc_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The timestamp when the complaint_update record was updated. The timestamp is stored in UTC with no Offset.

webeoc_identifier varchar 20 null

Unique Identifier from the webEOC source system to identify a complaint update. This is required as the natural key is not available in all webEOC APIs


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
complaint_update_pk Primary key Asc complaint_update_guid
