Name | Type | Mode |
bounds | geometry | IN |
authname | text | IN |
auth_name | text | TABLE |
auth_srid | text | TABLE |
srname | text | TABLE |
srtext | text | TABLE |
proj4text | text | TABLE |
point_sw | geometry | TABLE |
point_ne | geometry | TABLE |
args: bounds, auth_name=EPSG - Return metadata records for projected coordinate systems that have areas of useage that fully contain the bounds parameter.
Name | Type | Mode |
bounds | geometry | IN |
authname | text | IN |
auth_name | text | TABLE |
auth_srid | text | TABLE |
srname | text | TABLE |
srtext | text | TABLE |
proj4text | text | TABLE |
point_sw | geometry | TABLE |
point_ne | geometry | TABLE |