Orphan Tables
edit_complaint_using_webeoc_complaint(_complaint_identifier character varying)
character varying
declare WEBEOC_USER_ID CONSTANT varchar(6) := 'webeoc'; WEBEOC_UPDATE_TYPE_INSERT CONSTANT varchar(6) := 'INSERT'; STAGING_STATUS_CODE_PENDING CONSTANT varchar(7) := 'PENDING'; STAGING_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS CONSTANT varchar(7) := 'SUCCESS' ; STAGING_STATUS_CODE_EDIT CONSTANT varchar(6) := 'EDIT' ; STAGING_STATUS_CODE_ERROR CONSTANT varchar(5) := 'ERROR'; current_complaint_record PUBLIC.complaint; -- record being edited allegation_complaint_record PUBLIC.allegation_complaint; edit_complaint_data JSONB; -- the complaint data containing the edits from webeoc original_complaint_record JSONB; -- the complaint data before the edits, used to determine i -- Variable to hold the JSONB data from staging_complaint. Used to edit a complaint _edit_report_type VARCHAR(120); _edit_detail_text VARCHAR(4000); _edit_caller_name VARCHAR(120); _edit_caller_address VARCHAR(120); _edit_address VARCHAR(120); _edit_caller_email VARCHAR(120); _edit_caller_phone_1 VARCHAR(15); _edit_caller_phone_2 VARCHAR(15); _edit_caller_phone_3 VARCHAR(15); _edit_location_summary_text VARCHAR(120); _edit_location_detailed_text VARCHAR(4000); _edit_incident_utc_datetime timestamp; _edit_create_utc_timestamp timestamp := (now() AT TIME zone 'UTC'); _edit_update_utc_timestamp timestamp := (now() AT TIME zone 'UTC'); _edit_create_userid VARCHAR(200); _edit_update_userid VARCHAR(200); _edit_geo_organization_unit_code VARCHAR(10); _edit_incident_reported_utc_timestmp timestamp; _edit_address_coordinates_lat VARCHAR(200); _edit_address_coordinates_long VARCHAR(200); _edit_location_geometry_point GEOMETRY; _edit_complaint_status_code VARCHAR(10); -- Variables for 'hwcr_complaint' table _edit_webeoc_species VARCHAR(200); _edit_webeoc_hwcr_complaint_nature_code VARCHAR(200); _edit_webeoc_cos_area_community VARCHAR(200); _edit_webeoc_attracts_list VARCHAR(1000); _edit_species_code VARCHAR(10); _edit_hwcr_complaint_nature_code VARCHAR(10); _edit_other_attractants_text VARCHAR(4000); _edit_reported_by_other_text VARCHAR(4000); _edit_webeoc_reported_by_code VARCHAR(200); _edit_cos_reffered_by_lst VARCHAR(200); _edit_in_progress_ind VARCHAR(3); _edit_observed_ind VARCHAR(3); _edit_in_progress_ind_bool bool; _edit_observed_ind_bool bool; _edit_suspect_witnesss_dtl_text VARCHAR(4000); _edit_violation_code VARCHAR(10); -- used to generate a uuid. We use this to create the PK in hwcr_complaint, but -- we need to also use it when creating the attractants hwcr_uuid uuid; enforcement_uuid uuid; -- parsed attractants from the jsonb object attractants_array text[]; attractant_item text; _attractant_code VARCHAR(10); _current_species_code VARCHAR(10); _current_violation_type_code VARCHAR(10); -- used to indicate if the update causes an edit to the complaint record update_edit_ind boolean = false; USERNAME_TXT CONSTANT varchar(8) = 'username'; BEGIN -- get the staged edit record. There may be multiple for a given complaint, we just want the last one since that -- will contain all previous edits too select sc.complaint_jsonb into edit_complaint_data from PUBLIC.staging_complaint sc where sc.complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier and sc.staging_activity_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_EDIT and sc.staging_status_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_PENDING order by sc.update_utc_timestamp desc limit 1; -- These fields are retrieved to potentially update an existing complaint record _edit_detail_text := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_call_details'; _edit_caller_name := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_caller_name'; _edit_caller_phone_1 := format_phone_number(edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_primary_phone'); _edit_caller_phone_2 := format_phone_number(edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_alt_phone'); _edit_caller_phone_3 := format_phone_number(edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_alt_phone_2'); _edit_caller_email := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_caller_email'; _edit_caller_address := edit_complaint_data ->> 'caller_address'; _edit_address := edit_complaint_data ->> 'address'; _edit_webeoc_reported_by_code := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_reffered_by_lst'; _edit_reported_by_other_text := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_reffered_by_txt'; _edit_webeoc_species := edit_complaint_data ->> 'species'; _edit_report_type := edit_complaint_data ->> 'report_type'; _edit_update_userid := substring(edit_complaint_data ->> USERNAME_TXT from 1 for 32); _edit_complaint_status_code := UPPER(edit_complaint_data ->> 'status'); _edit_location_detailed_text := edit_complaint_data ->> 'cos_location_description'; _edit_incident_utc_datetime := ( edit_complaint_data ->> 'incident_datetime' ):: timestamp AT TIME zone 'America/Los_Angeles'; _edit_incident_reported_utc_timestmp := ( edit_complaint_data ->> 'created_by_datetime' ):: timestamp AT TIME zone 'America/Los_Angeles'; _edit_address_coordinates_lat := validate_coordinate_field(edit_complaint_data ->> 'address_coordinates_lat'); _edit_address_coordinates_long := validate_coordinate_field(edit_complaint_data ->> 'address_coordinates_long'); -- Create a geometry point based on the latitude and longitude IF _edit_address_coordinates_lat IS NOT NULL AND _edit_address_coordinates_lat <> '' AND _edit_address_coordinates_long IS NOT NULL AND _edit_address_coordinates_long <> '' THEN _edit_location_geometry_point := ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint( CAST(_edit_address_coordinates_long AS NUMERIC), CAST(_edit_address_coordinates_lat AS NUMERIC) ), 4326 ); ELSE _edit_location_geometry_point := ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(0, 0), 4326); END IF; -- Get the codes from our application (inserting if necessary) for the codes retrieved from WebEOC SELECT * INTO _edit_cos_reffered_by_lst FROM PUBLIC.insert_and_return_code(_edit_webeoc_reported_by_code, 'reprtdbycd'); -- Get the current state of the complaint SELECT * INTO current_complaint_record FROM PUBLIC.complaint WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; -- update the complaint data, if the incoming webeoc contains applicable updates if (COALESCE(_edit_detail_text, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.detail_text, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET detail_text = _edit_detail_text WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; -- update the complaint data, if the incoming webeoc contains applicable updates if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_name, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_name, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_name = _edit_caller_name WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; _edit_caller_phone_1 := format_phone_number(_edit_caller_phone_1); if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_phone_1, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_phone_1, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_phone_1 = _edit_caller_phone_1 WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; _edit_caller_phone_2 := format_phone_number(_edit_caller_phone_2); if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_phone_2, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_phone_2, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_phone_2 = _edit_caller_phone_2 WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; _edit_caller_phone_3 := format_phone_number(_edit_caller_phone_3); if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_phone_3, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_phone_3, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_phone_3 = _edit_caller_phone_3 WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_email, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_email, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_email = _edit_caller_email WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_caller_address, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.caller_address, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET caller_address = _edit_caller_address WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_address, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.location_summary_text, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET location_summary_text = _edit_address WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_cos_reffered_by_lst, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.reported_by_code, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET reported_by_code = _edit_cos_reffered_by_lst WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_reported_by_other_text, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.reported_by_other_text, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET reported_by_other_text = _edit_reported_by_other_text WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (COALESCE(_edit_location_detailed_text, '') <> COALESCE(current_complaint_record.location_detailed_text, '')) then UPDATE complaint SET location_detailed_text = _edit_location_detailed_text WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (_edit_incident_utc_datetime <> current_complaint_record.incident_utc_datetime) then UPDATE complaint SET incident_utc_datetime = _edit_incident_utc_datetime WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (_edit_incident_reported_utc_timestmp <> current_complaint_record.incident_reported_utc_timestmp) then UPDATE complaint SET incident_reported_utc_timestmp = _edit_incident_reported_utc_timestmp WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if NOT ST_Equals(_edit_location_geometry_point, current_complaint_record.location_geometry_point) then UPDATE complaint SET location_geometry_point = _edit_location_geometry_point WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; -- the update caused an edit, set the audit fields if (update_edit_ind) then update complaint set update_user_id = _edit_update_userid, update_utc_timestamp = _edit_update_utc_timestamp where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; end if; if (_edit_report_type = 'HWCR') then update_edit_ind = false; select hc.hwcr_complaint_guid into hwcr_uuid from hwcr_complaint hc where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update attractant_hwcr_xref set active_ind = false where hwcr_complaint_guid = hwcr_uuid; -- Convert the comma-separated list into an array attractants_array := string_to_array( edit_complaint_data ->> 'attractants_list', ',' ); -- Iterate over the array foreach attractant_item IN ARRAY attractants_array LOOP -- Trim whitespace and check if the item is 'Not Applicable' IF trim(attractant_item) <> 'Not Applicable' THEN -- Your insertion logic here SELECT * FROM PUBLIC.insert_and_return_code( trim(attractant_item), 'atractntcd' ) INTO _attractant_code; INSERT INTO PUBLIC.attractant_hwcr_xref ( attractant_code, hwcr_complaint_guid, create_user_id, create_utc_timestamp, update_user_id, update_utc_timestamp ) VALUES ( _attractant_code, hwcr_uuid, WEBEOC_USER_ID, _edit_create_utc_timestamp, WEBEOC_USER_ID, _edit_update_utc_timestamp ); END IF; END LOOP; -- get the code based on the update from WebEOC SELECT * INTO _edit_species_code FROM PUBLIC.insert_and_return_code(_edit_webeoc_species, 'speciescd'); -- get the current species code SELECT hc.species_code INTO _current_species_code FROM hwcr_complaint hc WHERE hc.complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; if (_edit_species_code <> _current_species_code) then update hwcr_complaint set species_code = _edit_species_code where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; end if; -- the update caused an edit, set the audit fields if (update_edit_ind) then update hwcr_complaint set update_user_id = _edit_update_userid, update_utc_timestamp = _edit_update_utc_timestamp where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; end if; end if; if (_edit_report_type = 'ERS') then update_edit_ind = false; _edit_in_progress_ind := (edit_complaint_data->>'violation_in_progress'); _edit_observed_ind := (edit_complaint_data->>'observe_violation'); _edit_suspect_witnesss_dtl_text := edit_complaint_data->>'suspect_details'; IF _edit_in_progress_ind = 'Yes' THEN _edit_in_progress_ind_bool := TRUE; ELSE _edit_in_progress_ind_bool := FALSE; END IF; IF _edit_observed_ind = 'Yes' THEN _edit_observed_ind_bool := TRUE; ELSE _edit_observed_ind_bool := FALSE; END IF; -- Get the current state of the complaint SELECT * INTO allegation_complaint_record FROM PUBLIC.allegation_complaint ac WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; if (_edit_observed_ind_bool != allegation_complaint_record.observed_ind) then UPDATE allegation_complaint SET observed_ind = _edit_observed_ind_bool WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (_edit_in_progress_ind_bool != allegation_complaint_record.in_progress_ind) then UPDATE allegation_complaint SET in_progress_ind = _edit_in_progress_ind_bool WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; if (_edit_suspect_witnesss_dtl_text <> allegation_complaint_record.suspect_witnesss_dtl_text) then UPDATE allegation_complaint SET suspect_witnesss_dtl_text = _edit_suspect_witnesss_dtl_text WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; SELECT * FROM PUBLIC.insert_and_return_code( edit_complaint_data->>'violation_type', 'violatncd' ) INTO _edit_violation_code; select ac.violation_code into _current_violation_type_code from allegation_complaint ac where ac.complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; if (_edit_violation_code <> _current_violation_type_code) then if _edit_violation_code = 'WASTE' OR _edit_violation_code = 'PESTICDE' then UPDATE PUBLIC.complaint SET owned_by_agency_code = 'EPO' WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; else UPDATE PUBLIC.complaint SET owned_by_agency_code = 'COS' WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; end if; update allegation_complaint set violation_code = _edit_violation_code where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; update_edit_ind = true; end if; -- the update caused an edit, set the audit fields if (update_edit_ind) then update hwcr_complaint set update_user_id = _edit_update_userid, update_utc_timestamp = _edit_update_utc_timestamp where complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier; end if; end if; -- Update staging_complaint to mark the process as successful UPDATE staging_complaint SET staging_status_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier AND staging_activity_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_EDIT and staging_status_code = 'PENDING'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'An unexpected error occurred: %', SQLERRM; UPDATE staging_complaint SET staging_status_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_ERROR WHERE complaint_identifier = _complaint_identifier AND staging_status_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_PENDING AND staging_activity_code = STAGING_STATUS_CODE_EDIT; END;