Getting Started

Assumption: you've already installed moh-common-lib.

Importing the Library (moh-common-lib)

Import components via the SharedCoreModule.

import { SharedCoreModule } from 'moh-common-lib';

    declarations: [ ... ],
    providers: [ ... ],
    imports: [

By adding this module you will automatically get access to core components, each starting with "common-*". View all components

This does not import Services, Models, and some specific components like FileUploader and Captcha. Those will be detailed below.

Importing Dos and Don'ts

All imports from moh-common-lib should go to one of the secondary entry points listed above (e.g. /models or /captcha). You should never import from a deeper level. When auto-importing make sure to double-check the import paths because VS Code often likes to setup incorrect imports.

import { GeocoderService } from 'moh-common-lib/services';

// BAD
import { GeoAddressResult } from 'moh-common-lib/services/geocoder.service';

If you need access to an export and can only get it this way, let us know and we can export it properly.

Importing a Service (moh-common-lib/services)

If a service is usable as-is, you can find them in the Injectables section of the documentation in the menu.

import { GeocoderService } from 'moh-common-lib/services';

Setting up an API Service (moh-common-lib/services)

In some cases, we provide abstract classes that provide the foundation of services you will create.

For example, the AbstractHTTPService:

import { AbstractHttpService } from 'moh-common-lib/services';

export class APIService extends AbstractHTTPService {}
// You will have to setup _headers, and handleError(), 
// and create your own methods for each API Request using this.get() and

These Abstract classes are not injectables and as such are found under Classes. The Classes folder section also includes other non-service classes, like models.

Importing a Model (moh-common-lib/models)

Models are all found under Classes.

import { Address } from 'moh-common-lib/models';
const addr = new Address();

The address, and others like it, is a pure TypeScript model with no specific Angular integration. However, other components may expect an Address as an @Input.

File Uploader classes, interfaces, etc. (moh-common-lib/images)

All classes, interfaces, and enums related to the FileUploader are all in moh-common-lib/images

import { CommonImage, CommonImageError, CommonImageScaleFactorsImpl } from 'moh-common-lib/images';

This does NOT include the actual FileUploader, which is currently in the SharedCoreModule.


Note: This is still in development and may not be working

import { CaptchaModule } from 'moh-common-lib/captcha';

    declarations: [ ... ],
    providers: [ ... ],
    imports: [

Then register your application module and use <common-captcha>

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