Plug-in developers will want to install a copy of CPF on their local environment to develop and test their CPF plug-ins. The following sections included detailed steps on installing the CPF database and web application.

Database Installation

The CPF requires a PostgreSQL or Oracle database to be installed for use by the CPF application.

A local copy of the CPF databases should be deployed at a developer’s site. For projects with multiple developers it is recommended to install a local database on each developer’s workstation and one on a central integration test server.

NOTE: Installation of database for any business application plug-ins is outside the scope of the CPF.


The CPF requires a database to store the CPF configuration, Job requests and Job results. The following databases are currently supported.

  • PostgreSQL 9.1+
  • Oracle 10g, 11g, or 12c

A developer may also require additional databases for use by their plug-in. They must deliver all required SQL scripts and instructions on how to install these databases.

NOTE: For PostgreSQL the server instance can be shared with other applications but it is recommended to have a separate “database” within that instance for CPF. For Oracle there is no such restriction.

Download SQL Scripts

The SQL scripts to install the database can be downloaded from the repository.

Use the following scripts will download the CPF Oracle and PostgreSQL scripts.

** UNIX/Mac**

svn co
cd sql


svn co
cd sql

NOTE: If you have previously downloaded the SQL use the following command from the sql directory to ensure that you have the latest version.

svn up

CPF Database Install Configuration

The database install scripts use the configuration file for database connection and configuration parameters. Copy the file from the postgresql or oracle directory to use as a template.

NOTE: Change permissions on the so that only you have read/write permissions on the file to keep the passwords secret.

Edit the file.

Property Example Value Description
DB_HOSTNAME localhost The hostname of the PostgreSQL sever. Not used for Oracle.
DB_PORT 5432 The port of the PostgreSQL sever. Not used for Oracle.
DB_NAME cpf The PostgreSQL database name or Oracle TNSNAME, tnsnames.ora must be configured.
CPF_PASSWORD cpf_0wn3r The password to create the CPF database account with.
PROXY_CPF_WEB_PASSWORD c0ncurr3n7 The password to create the PROXY_CPF_WEB database account with.
TABLESPACE_DIR /data/postgres/cpf c:\data\postgres\cpf The directory to create the database tablespace in. The directory must exist on the server and the PostgreSQL or Oracle process must have write permissions on this directory.

For PostgreSQL, to avoid needing to enter in the passwords for each SQL command create a ~/.pgpass on UNIX or %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf file on Windows. Set the permissions so that only you can read/write the pgpass.conf file. The file can be deleted after installation if required. The file should look something like this.


CPF Database and schema install

The CPF installation process will create the following database objects. If the objects already exist the script will either ignore that step or in the case of CPF tables it will prompt to confirm that the existing tables should be deleted.

  • Create a cpf database for PostgreSQL. An existing Oracle database must already exist.
  • Create a CPF tablespace to store the CPF data.
  • Create a CPF_WEB_PROXY database role that will have CRUD permission on the tables.
  • Create a CPF database user account that this the owner of all the CPF tables. NOTE: This account must not be used for any other purpose than managing the table definitions.
  • Create a PROXY_CPF_WEB user account that is used by the CPF web application to access the database.
  • Create a CPF schema for all of the CPF tables, sequences and indexes.
  • Create all the CPF tables, sequences and indexes and grant appropriate permissions for these tables.

NOTE: For Oracle you will need to know the password for the SYSTEM database account, you will be prompted to enter this in the script.


cd cpf/sql/${DB_VENDOR}


set DB_VENDOR={postgresql|oracle}
cd  cpf\sql\%DB_VENDOR%

During the installation script you may be prompted for the following information.

  • Passwords for the SYSTEM or postgres user accounts.
  • If the database already exists the following prompt will be displayed. Entering YES will delete all the existing data and create new tables.
    WARN: Do you want to drop the existing database including all data (YES/NO)?

NOTE: Contact the CPF developer, if there are any errors while running the script that are NOT related to file permissions or unknown user account passwords.

Web Application Installation

A local copy of the CPF web applications and databases should be deployed at the developer’s site. For projects with multiple developers it is recommended to install a local database and J2EE servlet container (Apached Tomcat) on each developer’s workstation and one on a central integration test server.

The CPF applications are deployed to a J2EE application server or servlet container. To deploy to a J2EE Servlet container the individual wars are deployed to the J2EE Servlet container.

Deployment is currently supported on Apache Tomcat > 8.x. CPF may work withother J2EE Servlet or application containers but this has not been tested.

For Tomcat 8.x you will need to add a user account in the manager-script role to deploy the web applications to the tomcat contained. If a user does not exist edit the tomcat-users.xml file in the tomcat conf directory.

<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<user username="admin" password="..." roles="manager-script"/>

Create CPF directories

The CPF requires directories to be created on the server. The following directories must be created.

NOTE: This assumes the CPF home directory is /apps/cpf. Modify the commands and configuration below if a different directory is used.

Directory User Perms J2EE Server Perms Description
/apps/cpf/config rw r The directory containing the CPF configuration file for the database URL, username and password.
/apps/cpf/log r rw The directory to store the CPF logs.
/apps/cpf/repository /home/{username}/.m2/repository rw rw The local Maven repository cache. If the J2EE server is on the developers workstation use the user’s local maven repository cache.

Create the directories using the following commands. Make sure the directory permissions are set as shown in the table above.


mkdir -p /apps/cpf
mkdir -p /apps/cpf/config
mkdir -p /apps/cpf/log
mkdir -p /apps/cpf/repository


md \apps\cpf
md \apps\cpf\config
md \apps\cpf\log
md \apps\cpf\repository

Create a CPF web application project

The CPF application can be configured to connect to different types of database and be configured or extended in other ways. Therefore instead of delivering a pre-packaged war file a maven project is created for each installation that contains the configuration for that environment.

Create the maven project using the following maven archetype commands. Replace any parameters with the correct values for your environment.

NOTE: Java 1.8.0 and Maven 3.3+ must be install. JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME must be set and the bin directories from both must be in the PATH.


cd ~/projects
mvn \
  archetype:generate \
  -DinteractiveMode=false \ \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=cpf-archetype-web \
  -DarchetypeVersion=${CPF_VERSION} \
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany \
  -DartifactId=cpf* \
  -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT \
  -DmodulePrefix=cpf \
  -DdatabaseVendor=postgresql \
  -DdatabasePassword=c0ncurr3n7 \
  -DworkerPassword=cpf_w0rk3r \
  -DcpfLogDirectory=/apps/cpf/log \
  -DcpfDirectoryUrl=file:///apps/cpf \


mvn ^
  archetype:generate ^
  -DinteractiveMode=false ^ ^
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=cpf-archetype-web ^
  -DarchetypeVersion=%CPF_VERSION% ^
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany ^
  -DartifactId=cpf ^
  -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT ^
  -DmodulePrefix=cpf ^
  -DdatabaseVendor=postgresql ^
  -DdatabasePassword=c0ncurr3n7 ^
  -DworkerPassword=cpf_w0rk3r ^
  -DcpfLogDirectory=C:/apps/cpf/log ^
  -DcpfDirectoryUrl=file:///C:/apps/cpf ^

NOTE: Windows and Unix require commands to be entered on a single line. The \ or ^ character are line continuation character that treats multiple lines as a single line. Therefore you can cut and paste the above text into a command window.

Parameter Description
archetypeVersion The most recent version of the CPF framework.
groupId The maven group identifier. This should be your company name if deploying within your development environment.
artifactId The base maven artifact identifier used for the maven modules created in the project.
version The version identifier you’d like to give to your plug-in.
modulePrefix The prefix to use on the web applications.
databaseVendor The database type that the CPF uses for its data. Supported values include postgresql and oracle.
databasePassword The password for the PROXY_CPF_WEB user (PROXY_CPF_WEB_PASSWORD from
workerPassword The password for the cpf_worker CPF user account. Default is cpf_w0rk3r. Change if required using the CPF admin application.
cpfLogDirectory The directory for the CPF log files will be stored in (e.g. /apps/cpf/log or C:\apps\cpf\log).
cpfDirectoryUrl The root directory the CPF configuration file and log files will be stored in (e.g. file:///apps/cpf or file:///C:/apps/cpf).
mavenCacheDirectoryUrl The file URL to local Maven repository cache. NOTE: Must start with file:/// and use web slashes / instead of windows slashes . If the J2EE server is on the developers workstation use the user’s local maven repository cache. Otherwise use the repository directory below the cpfDirectory defined above (e.g. file:///apps/cpf/repository or file:///C:/apps/cpf/repository).

The following directory structure would be created if the command were run using the parameters above.

File/Directory Description
cpf The root directory of the web project. The maven module for the web application containing the web services and scheduler.
pom.xml The maven build file for the web services and scheduler.
src/main/resources The resources to be included in the web application jar file.
cpf-api-properties.sf.xml The configuration file for the CPF API components.
cpf-web-properties.sf.xml The configuration file for the CPF web components.
src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml Tomcat context configuration.
src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml The web.xml file.
cpf.worker The maven module for the web application containing the worker.
pom.xml The maven build file for the worker.
src/main/resources The resources to be included in the web applications jar file.
cpfWorker.json The configuration file for the worker.
src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml Tomcat context configuration.
pom.xml The parent maven build file that builds all modules.
sample-config/ A sample config file to copy to /apps/cpf/conf/.

NOTE: Developers shouldn’t need to edit any of these configuration files. They are populated using the parameters specified in the maven archetype. If you need to change the cpf directory location or the database vendor it’s probably easier to delete the project and create a new project using the maven archetype. All database configurations are done using runtime configuration files and plug-in configuration is stored in the database.

Maven Settings Configuration

A profile must be created in the ~/.m2/settings.xml for each server environment that the CPF components are deployed to. The following example shows a full settings file with a single profile for the localhost server.

If you want to deploy the application to multiple servers you can create a profile for each server in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. The profile id should be the name of the server to deploy to. For example the following shows a profile for the localhost.

      <!-- Include the following for Tomcat deployment -->

CPF Runtime Configuration

Any configuration that changes from one server to another is included in a runtime configuration file in the /apps/cpf/config directory on the server. No environment specific configuration is included in the compiled WAR files, i.e. the same war could be deployed to delivery, test and production environments.

Copy the sample-config/ file to the /apps/cpf/config/ directory on the server.

Property Description
cpfConfig.baseUrl The base URL to the CPF apps web application (e.g. http://localhost/pub/cpf).
cpfDataSource.url The full JDBC URL to the CPF database server (e.g. jdbc:postgresql:cpf).
cpfDataSource.password The password for the CPF database (e.g. c0ncurr3n7).
cpfWorker.webServiceUrl The base url to the internal web services (e.g. http://localhost:8080/pub/cpf). Must be the direct tomcat HTTP port and not behind an Apache reverse proxy.
cpfWorker.password The password used in the internal web services (e.g. cpf_w0rk3r). Must be an user in the cpf.cpf_user_accounts table.

External Maven Repository Configuration

If the CPF is not deployed on the development server then the worker will need to be configured to point to the maven respositories that the CPF plug-ins are deployed to.

Edit the following configuration file. You will need to re-build and deploy if this file is modified.


Add the following entries to the cpfWebProperties map. The first entry must be modified to the value used for the mavenCacheDirectory specified above. The second entry value must be the local file URL or remote http URL to a shared maven repository that you will deploy the plug-ins to. See Maven Deploy Plug-in for deploying to a maven repository.


<entry key="mavenRepository.repositoryLocations">

Deploy to Tomcat 8

The plug-in project web services & scheduler war and worker war files can be deployed to a Tomcat 8 server.

Use the following command to compile and deploy to Tomcat.

mvn -P tomcat8Deploy,localhost clean install

If you created multiple profiles use the profile name of the server you wish to deploy to.

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Version: 5.0.6-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2017-Feb-07.