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[Deprecated] carbone-render

Note: This package has been deprecated and will no longer be receiving support updates.

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Library to generate a document from an existing template and JSON data. This is a wrapper around carbone, please refer to their documentation for more detail.


This library will require LibreOffice installed to do pdf generation.


npm i @bcgov/carbone-render


const carboneRenderer = require('@bcgov/carbone-render');


Optional call to start up the carbone python converter. This is recommended to call on the start of your application. Otherwise, the first call to render will take longer as it starts the converter in the background.



Return a dictionary of allowable file conversions. Convert to pdf is always allowed.

const allowedConversions = carboneRenderer.fileTypes;

Returns dictionary

    "csv": [
    "docx": [
    "html": [
    "odt": [
    "pptx": [
    "rtf": [
    "txt": [
    "xlsx": [

async render

Generate a new document from a template and JSON data. Render the report.

const data = {
    "firstName": "Jane",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "title": "Who?"

const options = {
    "convertTo": "pdf",
    "reportName": "{d.firstName}-{d.lastName}.docx",
    "overwrite": "true",
    "cacheReport": "true"

const formatters = {
    // this formatter can be used in a template with {d.myBoolean:yesOrNo()}
    yesOrNo : function (data) { // data = d.myBoolean
        if (this.lang === 'fr') {
            return data === true ? 'oui' : 'non';
        return data === true ? 'yes' : 'no';

const output = await carboneRenderer.render(template.path, data, options, formatters);
Parameters Description
template template file
data object or array of objects used in the template
options Options object to pass to carbone. See carbone documenation.
options.convertTo What file type to convert to, see fileTypes or pdf
options.reportName Name of the generated report, should include expected extension. Can contain template placeholders, see carbone documentation.
formatters Object. Additional formatters to add to carbone. See carbone documenation.

Returns object

    "success": false,
    "errorType": null,
    "errorMsg": null,
    "reportName": null,
    "report": null
Field Description
success boolean, true indicates report generated, false otherwise
errorType number - error number if not successful.
errorMsg string - error message if not successful.
reportName string - name of the generated report
report binary - generated file