Add extra climate variables
with all of the above added climate variables.
This function calculates additional climate variables derived from those
output by [climr::downscale()]
. Presently it adds the following:
May to June precip.: \(PPT_MJ = PPT_05 + PPT_06\)
July to September precip.: \(PPT_JAS = PPT_07 + PPT_08 + PPT_09\)
Precip. during vegetation dormant period (autumn, winter): \(PPT.dormant = PPT_at + PPT_wt\)
CMD deficit: \(CMD.def = 500 - PPT.dormant\) (bounded to 0)
\(CMDMax = CMD_07\)
\( = CMD.def + CMD\)
\(DD_delayed = ((DDsub0_at + DDsub0_wt)*0.0238) - 1.8386\) bounded to 0)