# GWA CLI Commands

GWA CLI helps manage gateway resources in a declarative fashion.

# apply

Usage: gwa apply [flags]

Apply your GatewayService, CredentialIssuer, DraftDataset, and Product resources. Use the generate-config command to see examples of these resources.


Flag Description
-i, --input string YAML file containing your configuration (default "gw-config.yml")


$ gwa apply --input gw-config.yaml

# config

Usage: gwa config

Configuration commands

# config.get

Usage: gwa config get [key]

This is a convenience getter to print out the currently stored global setting for the following arguments

  • api_key
  • host
  • namespace

# config.set

Usage: gwa config set [key] [value] [flags]

Exposes some specific config values that can be defined by the user.

Configurable Settings:
namespace: The default namespace used
token: Use only if you have a token you know is authenticated
host: The API host you wish to communicate with
scheme: http or https


Flag Description
--host string set the host
--namespace string set the namespace
--scheme string set the scheme
--token string set the namespace


$ gwa config set namespace ns-sampler
$ gwa config set --namespace ns-sampler

# generate-config

Usage: gwa generate-config [flags]

Generate gateway resources based on pre-defined templates


Flag Description
--org string Set the organization (default "ministry-of-citizens-services")
--org-unit string Set the organization unit (default "databc")
-o, --out string The file to output the generate config to (default "gw-config.yml")
-s, --service string A unique service subdomain for your vanity url: https://.api.gov.bc.ca
-t, --template string Name of a pre-defined template (kong-httpbin, client-credentials-shared-idp)
-u, --upstream string The upstream implementation of the API


$ gwa generate-config --template kong-httpbin \
    --service my-service \
	--upstream https://httpbin.org

$ gwa generate-config --template client-credentials-shared-idp \
    --service my-service \
	--upstream https://httpbin.org

# get

Usage: gwa get [type] <flags> [flags]

Get gateway resources. Retrieve a table of datasets, issuers, organizations, org-units or products.


Flag Description
--json Return output as JSON
--org string Organization to filter results by
--yaml Return output as YAML


$ gwa get datasets
$ gwa get datasets --json
$ gwa get datasets --yaml

# init

Command 'init' is deprecated. .env files are no longer used, see config command

# login

Usage: gwa login [flags]

You can login via device login or by using client credentials.


Flag Description
--client-id string Your gateway's client ID
--client-secret string Your gateway's client secret


$ gwa login
$ gwa login --client-id <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> --client-secret <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>

# namespace

Usage: gwa namespace

Namespaces are used to organize your services.

# namespace.create

Usage: gwa namespace create [flags]

Create a new namespace


Flag Description
-d, --description string optionally add a description
-g, --generate generates a random, unique namespace
-n, --name string optionally define your own namespace


$ gwa namespace create --generate
$ gwa namespace create --name my-namespace --description="This is my namespace"

# namespace.current

Usage: gwa namespace current

Display the current namespace

# namespace.destroy

Usage: gwa namespace destroy [flags]

Destroy the current namespace


Flag Description
--force force deletion

# namespace.list

Usage: gwa namespace list

List all your managed namespaces

# publish

Command 'publish' is deprecated. Use apply instead.

# publish-gateway

Usage: gwa publish-gateway [inputs...] [flags]

Once you have a gateway configuration file ready to publish, you can run the following command to reflect your changes in the gateway:

$ gwa pg sample.yaml

If you want to see the expected changes but not actually apply them, you can run:

$ gwa pg --dry-run sample.yaml

inputs accepts a wide variety of formats, for example:

  1. Empty, which means find all the possible YAML files in the current directory and publish them
  2. A space-separated list of specific YAML files in the current directory, or
  3. A directory relative to the current directory


Flag Description
--dry-run Dry run your API changes before committing to them
--qualifier string Sets a tag qualifier, which specifies that the gateway configuration is a partial set of configuration


$ gwa publish-gateway
$ gwa publish-gateway path/to/config1.yaml other-path/to/config2.yaml
$ gwa publish-gateway path/to/directory/containing-configs/
$ gwa publish-gateway path/to/config.yaml --dry-run
$ gwa publish-gateway path/to/config.yaml --qualifier dev

# status

Usage: gwa status [flags]

Check the status of your services configured on the Kong gateway


Flag Description
--json Output status as a JSON string


$ gwa status
$ gwa status --json