# API Services Portal Release 1.2.11

The API Services Portal has been updated with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

# Enhancements

  • UI Improvements to the "Namespace Access" page
  • UX improvements in the "Create New Namespace" modal
  • Removed the documentation tab from the portal site due to it not being used, and becoming out of date
  • Added a confirmation modal before a user can delete an application, to reduce human errors
  • Added routing data (general information about the portal/gateway, such as number of namespaces, list of org admins, most recent logins, etc.) into our metrics dashboard in Grafana.
  • Better Activity descriptions for gateway config changes

# Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where environments were failing to validate, and were showing "Unexpected error validating environment"
  • Fixed a bug where environments with Authorization Code flow were not able to save
  • Fixed errors when consumer access requests were approved
  • Fixed various bug fixes to the Organization Assignment flow
  • Fixed a bug where Gateway Metrics were not appearing in the Portal
  • Fixed a bug where a duplicate consumer would appear on the Ops Metrics
  • Fixed bug where dry run gateway publish still records activity indicating an update
  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting a namespace