# Rate Limiting

Reference: https://docs.konghq.com/hub/kong-inc/rate-limiting/

  • policy: local | redis
  • limit_by: consumer | credential | ip | service | header | path
  • fault_tolerant: Applies when Kong is connecting to Redis - if Redis is down, do you want to block traffic, or allow it through without limiting

# Example

- name: MY_REST_API
  tags: [ _NS_ ]
  - name: rate-limiting
    tags: [ _NS_ ]
      fault_tolerant: true
      hide_client_headers: false
      limit_by: ip
      minute: 30000
      second: null
      hour: null
      day: null
      month: null
      year: null

# Alternatives

If you want to apply 2 global rate limits, you can use the plugin: rate-limiting_902.

For example, one control with limit_by = service that provides an umbrella max requests per minute and another control with limit_by = credential that ensures each authenticated user plays nice.