# JWT Keycloak

# Example

  - name: MY_REST_API
    tags: [_NS_]
      - name: jwt-keycloak
        tags: [_NS_]
        enabled: true
            - https://keycloak/auth/realms/REALM
          allowed_aud: an-audience-ref
          #access_token_header: Authorization
          #realm: kong
          #disable_access_token_header: false
          #run_on_preflight: true
          #iss_key_grace_period: 10
          #maximum_expiration: 0
          #- exp
          #algorithm: RS256
          #well_known_template: %s/.well-known/openid-configuration
          #cookie_names: []
          #scope: null
          #realm_roles: null
          uri_param_names: []
          client_roles: null
          anonymous: null
          consumer_match: true
          #consumer_match_claim: azp
          #consumer_match_ignore_not_found: false
          #consumer_match_claim_custom_id: false

# Key Fields

Field Type Default Description
allowed_iss string[] nil A list of allowed issuers for this route/service/api. Can be specified as a string or as a Pattern.
allowed_aud string nil Allowed audience for this route/service/api. Can be specified as a string or as a Pattern.
access_token_header string nil An alternate header to use instead of "Authorization"
realm string nil In the event of a 401, this value gets populated in the "WWW-Authenticate" response header as Bearer realm="<realm>"
disable_access_token_header boolean false If set to 'true', the access token will not be sent to the upstream service
client_roles string[] nil List of Client/Roles in the format <CLIENT_NAME>:<ROLE_NAME> where there has to be at least one match.

# Multiple Issuers

When you have an API that is consumed by your own frontend and potentially by some internal processes, and you would also like to give limited access to the API to external parties, such as other Ministry services, then you can use the API Gateway to protect the API.

An example configuration that uses RBAC and verification of User Tokens using the SSO Standard Realm and Service Account Tokens using APS's Shared IdP:

  - name: MY_REST_API
    tags: [_NS_]

      - name: MY_REST_API_READS
        hosts: [myrestapi.api.gov.bc.ca]
        methods: [GET, OPTIONS]
        paths: [/]
          - name: jwt-keycloak
            tags: [_NS_]
            enabled: true
                - https://loginproxy.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/standard
                - https://loginproxy.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/apigw
              allowed_aud: an-audience-ref
              client_roles: [Read]
              consumer_match: true

      - name: MY_REST_API_ADMINS
        hosts: [myrestapi.api.gov.bc.ca]
        methods: [GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH]
        paths: [/]
          - name: jwt-keycloak
            tags: [_NS_]
            enabled: true
                - https://loginproxy.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/standard
                - https://loginproxy.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/apigw
              allowed_aud: an-audience-ref
              client_roles: [Admin]
              consumer_match: true