Supported Plugins
Current list of plugins available on the API Gateway.
is not available for individual teams to use as it is used at a global level to feed logs to other systems for audit/monitoring/etc.
If there are other plugins that you would like to have added to the Gateway, please reach out to us at our Rocket.Chat channel
For information about execution order, see: https://docs.konghq.com/gateway/latest/plugin-development/custom-logic/#plugins-execution-order
"available_on_server": {
"basic-auth": true,
"ip-restriction": true,
"request-transformer": true,
"response-transformer": true,
"request-size-limiting": true,
"rate-limiting": true,
"response-ratelimiting": true,
"syslog": true,
"loggly": true,
"datadog": true,
"ldap-auth": true,
"statsd": true,
"bot-detection": true,
"aws-lambda": true,
"request-termination": true,
"azure-functions": true,
"zipkin": true,
"pre-function": true,
"post-function": true,
"prometheus": true,
"proxy-cache": true,
"session": true,
"acme": true,
"grpc-web": true,
"grpc-gateway": true,
"kong-spec-expose": true,
"jwt-keycloak": true,
"referer": true,
"bcgov-gwa-endpoint": true,
"gwa-ip-anonymity": true,
"oidc": true,
"jwt": true,
"acl": true,
"correlation-id": true,
"cors": true,
"oauth2": true,
"tcp-log": true,
"udp-log": true,
"file-log": true,
"http-log": true,
"key-auth": true,
"hmac-auth": true
Plugin Priorities