Quality Checks |
Publisher Version: | IG Publisher Version: v1.6.11 |
Publication Code: | n/a . PackageId = fhir.ca-bc.client, Canonical = http://hlth.gov.bc.ca/fhir/client |
Realm Check for n/a: | |
Publication Request: | - Error fetching package-list from http://hlth.gov.bc.ca/fhir/client: hlth.gov.bc.ca

- This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'

- No publication request found

Supressed Messages: | 8 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks: | Package | Version | FHIR | Canonical | Web Base | Comment |
 fhir.ca-bc.client | 1.0.0 | R4 | http://hlth.gov.bc.ca/fhir/client | | |
  hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.5.0 M | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.5.0 | |
  hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 5.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0 | |
  hl7.fhir.ca.baseline | 1.1.7 U | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/ca/baseline/ImplementationGuide/hl7.fhir.ca.baseline | http://hl7.org/fhir/ca/baseline/ImplementationGuide/hl7.fhir.ca.baseline | |
  hl7.fhir.uv.subscriptions-backport.r4 | 1.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/subscriptions-backport | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/subscriptions-backport/STU1.1 | |
   hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.0.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.0.0 | Latest Release is 5.5.0 |
Templates: bc.fhir.template#0.0.1 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.1.0 |
Dependent IGs: | no references |
Global Profiles: | (none declared) |
Terminology Server(s): | http://tx.fhir.org/r4 (details) |
HTA Analysis: | Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis |
R5 Dependencies: | |
Draft Dependencies: |
hl7.fhir.ca.baseline#1.1.7: PatientProfile
(8 uses), ExtensionAboriginalIdentityGroup
(4 uses), ExtensionAboriginalIdentityIndicator
(4 uses), ExtensionBirthSex
(4 uses), ExtensionEthnicity
(4 uses), IdentifierCABaseline
(12 uses), ExtensionIdentifierVersion
(4 uses), ExtensionNoFixedAddress
(4 uses)
hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1: GuideParameterCode
(15 uses), CommonLanguages
(25 uses), Subscription
(1 uses), SubscriptionStatus
(1 uses), regex
(12 uses), SubscriptionChannelType
(1 uses), genderIdentity
(4 uses), Organization
(18 uses), Practitioner
(4 uses), PractitionerRole
(4 uses), RelatedPerson
(4 uses)
hl7.fhir.uv.subscriptions-backport.r4#1.1.0: SubscriptionsR5Backport
(1 uses)
hl7.fhir.uv.tools#0.2.0: ResourceSortExt
(93 uses)
Modifier Extensions: | (none) |
Previous Version Comparison: | Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at http://hlth.gov.bc.ca/fhir/client (Problem #1 with package-list.json at http://hlth.gov.bc.ca/fhir/client: hlth.gov.bc.ca) |
IPA Comparison: | n/a |
IPS Comparison: | n/a |
Summary: | errors = 5, warn = 11, info = 3, broken links = 0 |
Path | Severity | Message |
Bundle.entry[4].resource/*Patient/7668592e-2316-4ea8-bbab-bb601239e71e*/.link[0].other (l465/c14) | Slicing Information | Details for urn:uuid:13cb4c36-102d-49c7-9f2e-f652ece39ecf matching against profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/RelatedPerson|4.0.1 Show Reasoning - Bundle.entry[5].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson1*/.patient: Unable to resolve resource with reference 'urn:uuid:71092811-55f9-4e1f-8754-a6828da1d51c'
Bundle.entry[4].resource/*Patient/7668592e-2316-4ea8-bbab-bb601239e71e*/.link[1].other (l471/c14) | Slicing Information | Details for urn:uuid:613f5d13-9753-4c0c-89f9-f2bce0622721 matching against profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/RelatedPerson|4.0.1 Show Reasoning - Bundle.entry[6].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson2*/.patient: Unable to resolve resource with reference 'urn:uuid:69b91ae6-e147-4dd0-abe7-8912ec301fd9'
Bundle.entry[5].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson1*/.patient | warning | URN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:71092811-55f9-4e1f-8754-a6828da1d51c |
Bundle.entry[5].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson1*/.patient (l484/c10) | error | Unable to resolve resource with reference 'urn:uuid:71092811-55f9-4e1f-8754-a6828da1d51c' |
Bundle.entry[6].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson2*/.patient | warning | URN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:69b91ae6-e147-4dd0-abe7-8912ec301fd9 |
Bundle.entry[6].resource/*RelatedPerson/FindNewbornByMumsPHN-Response-RelatedPerson2*/.patient (l507/c10) | error | Unable to resolve resource with reference 'urn:uuid:69b91ae6-e147-4dd0-abe7-8912ec301fd9' |