BC Client Registry FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Mappings for the bc-patient-by-example resource profile.
PatientByExample |
Patient | Entity. Role, or Act, Patient[classCode=PAT] | , |
meta | n/a, N/A | , |
text | n/a, N/A, Act.text? | , , |
extension | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (aboriginalidentitygroup) | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (aboriginalidentityindicator) | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (birthsex) | n/a, N/A, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender | , , |
extension (ethnicity) | n/a, N/A, Person.ethnicGroupCode | , , A code classifying the person into a named category of humans sharing a common real or presumed heritage
modifierExtension | n/a, N/A | , |
identifier | n/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT], id | , , |
identifier (JHN) | n/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT] | , |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (versionCode) | n/a, N/A | , |
use | n/a, Role.code or implied by context | , |
type | n/a, CD, Role.code or implied by context | , , |
system | n/a, II.root or Role.id.root | , |
value | n/a, II.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or Role.id.extension or root) | , |
period | n/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], Role.effectiveTime or implied by context | , , |
assigner | n/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), II.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper | , , |
name | n/a, EN (actually, PN), name | , , |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a, N/A | , |
use | n/a, unique(./use) | , |
text | n/a, ./formatted | , |
family | n/a, ./part[partType = FAM] | , |
given | n/a, ./part[partType = GIV] | , |
prefix | n/a, ./part[partType = PFX] | , |
suffix | n/a, ./part[partType = SFX] | , |
period | n/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] | , , |
telecom | n/a, TEL, telecom | , , |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a, N/A | , |
system | n/a, ./scheme | , |
value | n/a, ./url | , |
use | n/a, unique(./use) | , |
rank | n/a | |
period | n/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] | , , |
gender | n/a, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender | , |
birthDate | n/a, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/birthTime | , |
deceased[x] | n/a, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedInd, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedTime | , |
deceased[x] (deceasedDateTime) | n/a, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedInd, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedTime | , |
address | n/a, AD, addr | , , |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (preferred) | n/a, N/A | , |
extension (noFixedAddress) | n/a, N/A | , |
use | n/a, unique(./use) | , |
type | n/a, unique(./use) | , |
text | n/a, ./formatted | , |
line | n/a, AD.part[parttype = AL] | , |
city | n/a, AD.part[parttype = CTY] | , |
district | n/a, AD.part[parttype = CNT | CPA] | , |
state | n/a, AD.part[parttype = STA] | , |
postalCode | n/a, AD.part[parttype = ZIP] | , |
country | n/a, AD.part[parttype = CNT] | , |
period | n/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] | , , |
PatientByExample |
Patient | |
identifier | CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL), PID-3 |
identifier (JHN) | CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL) |
use | N/A |
type | CE/CNE/CWE, CX.5 |
system | CX.4 / EI-2-4 |
value | CX.1 / EI.1 |
period | DR, CX.7 + CX.8 |
assigner | CX.4 / (CX.4,CX.9,CX.10) |
name | XPN, PID-5, PID-9 |
use | XPN.7, but often indicated by which field contains the name |
text | implied by XPN.11 |
family | XPN.1/FN.1 |
given | XPN.2 + XPN.3 |
prefix | XPN.5 |
suffix | XPN/4 |
period | DR, XPN.13 + XPN.14 |
telecom | XTN, PID-13, PID-14, PID-40 |
system | XTN.3 |
value | XTN.1 (or XTN.12) |
use | XTN.2 - but often indicated by field |
rank | n/a |
period | DR, N/A |
gender | PID-8 |
birthDate | PID-7 |
deceased[x] | PID-30 (bool) and PID-29 (datetime) |
deceased[x] (deceasedDateTime) | PID-30 (bool) and PID-29 (datetime) |
address | XAD, PID-11 |
use | XAD.7 |
type | XAD.18 |
text | XAD.1 + XAD.2 + XAD.3 + XAD.4 + XAD.5 + XAD.6 |
line | XAD.1 + XAD.2 (note: XAD.1 and XAD.2 have different meanings for a company address than for a person address) |
city | XAD.3 |
district | XAD.9 |
state | XAD.4 |
postalCode | XAD.5 |
country | XAD.6 |
period | DR, XAD.12 / XAD.13 + XAD.14 |