
-1 rows


Table for tracking history records on tables that auditing is enabled on


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id bigserial 19 nextval('ccbc_public.record_version_id_seq'::regclass)

Primary key and unique identifier

record_id uuid 2147483647 null

The id of the record the history record is associated with

old_record_id uuid 2147483647 null

The id of the previous version of the record the history record is associated with

op "audit"."operation" 2147483647 null

The operation performed on the record (created, updated, deleted)

ts timestamptz 35,6 now()

The timestamp of the history record

table_oid oid 10 null

The oid of the table the record is associated with

table_schema name 2147483647 null

The schema of the table the record is associated with

table_name name 2147483647 null

The name of the table the record is associated with

created_by int4 10 null record_version_created_by_fkey R

The user that created the record

created_at timestamptz 35,6 null

The timestamp of when the record was created

record jsonb 2147483647 null

The record in JSON format

old_record jsonb 2147483647 null

The previous version of the record in JSON format


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
record_version_pkey Primary key Asc id
record_version_old_record_id Performance Asc old_record_id
record_version_record_id Performance Asc record_id
record_version_table_oid Performance Asc table_oid
record_version_ts Performance Asc ts

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
record_version_check3 (((op = ANY (ARRAY['UPDATE'::audit.operation, 'DELETE'::audit.operation])) = (old_record_id IS NOT NULL)))
record_version_check2 (((op = ANY (ARRAY['INSERT'::audit.operation, 'UPDATE'::audit.operation])) = (record IS NOT NULL)))
record_version_check4 (((op = ANY (ARRAY['UPDATE'::audit.operation, 'DELETE'::audit.operation])) = (old_record IS NOT NULL)))
record_version_check1 (((op = ANY (ARRAY['INSERT'::audit.operation, 'UPDATE'::audit.operation])) = (record_id IS NOT NULL)))
record_version_check (((COALESCE(record_id, old_record_id) IS NOT NULL) OR (op = 'TRUNCATE'::audit.operation)))
