
-1 rows


Table containing the communities source data imported from CBC projects excel file


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int4 10 null

Unique ID for the row

geographic_name_id int4 10 null
cbc_project_communities.communities_source_data_id cbc_project_communities_communities_source_data_id_fkey R

The unique Geographic Name Id

bc_geographic_name varchar 1000 null

The Geographic Name

geographic_type varchar 1000 null

The type of the geograhic region

regional_district varchar 1000 null

The regional district of the geograhic region

economic_region varchar 1000 null

The economic region of the geograhic region

latitude float8 17,17 null

The latitude value of the geograhic region

longitude float8 17,17 null

The longitude value of the geograhic region

map_link varchar 1000 null

map url of the geograhic region for verification

created_by int4 10 null communities_source_data_created_by_fkey R

created by user id

created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

created at timestamp

updated_by int4 10 null communities_source_data_updated_by_fkey R

updated by user id

updated_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

updated at timestamp

archived_by int4 10 null communities_source_data_archived_by_fkey R

archived by user id

archived_at timestamptz 35,6 null

archived at timestamp


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
communities_source_data_pkey Primary key Asc id
ccbc_public_communities_source_data_archived_by_foreign_key Performance Asc archived_by
ccbc_public_communities_source_data_created_by_foreign_key Performance Asc created_by
ccbc_public_communities_source_data_updated_by_foreign_key Performance Asc updated_by
communities_source_data_geographic_name_id_key Must be unique Asc geographic_name_id
