
-1 rows


Table containing the data imported from the CBC projects excel file, by rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int4 10 null
cbc_application_pending_change_request.cbc_id cbc_application_pending_change_request_cbc_id_fkey R
cbc_data.cbc_id cbc_data_cbc_id_fkey R
cbc_project_communities.cbc_id cbc_project_communities_cbc_id_fkey R

Unique ID for the row

project_number int4 10 null
cbc_data.project_number fk_cbc_data R

The project number, unique for each project

sharepoint_timestamp timestamptz 35,6 null

The timestamp of the last time the data was updated from sharepoint

created_by int4 10 null
ccbc_user.id cbc_created_by_fkey R

created by user id

created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

created at timestamp

updated_by int4 10 null
ccbc_user.id cbc_updated_by_fkey R

updated by user id

updated_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

updated at timestamp

archived_by int4 10 null
ccbc_user.id cbc_archived_by_fkey R

archived by user id

archived_at timestamptz 35,6 null

archived at timestamp


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
cbc_pkey Primary key Asc id
cbc_project_number Performance Asc project_number
cbc_project_number_key Must be unique Asc project_number
ccbc_public_cbc_archived_by_foreign_key Performance Asc archived_by
ccbc_public_cbc_created_by_foreign_key Performance Asc created_by
ccbc_public_cbc_updated_by_foreign_key Performance Asc updated_by
