
13 rows


Table containing the different statuses that can be assigned to an application


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
name varchar 1000 null
application_status.status application_status_status_fkey R

Name of and primary key of the status of an application

description varchar 1000 null

Description of the status type

visible_by_applicant bool 1 true

Boolean column used to differentiate internal/external status by indicating whether the status is visible to the applicant or not.

status_order int4 10 null

The logical order in which the status should be displayed.

visible_by_analyst bool 1 true

Boolean column used to differentiate internal/external status by indicating whether the status is visible to the analyst or not.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
application_status_type_pkey Primary key Asc name
application_status_type_order_is_unique Must be unique Asc status_order

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
no_invisible_status ((visible_by_analyst OR visible_by_applicant))
